So, his life is kind of hurting at this point. Unfortunately, this also means he’s stuck with Olivia, the keeper of the God Hand and a royal pain in the ass, and he has about a billion demons and such on his tail, as they want the God Hand as well. The God Hand is a mythical arm that allows the wielder to brandish power beyond that of normal humans, and considering Gene is something of a martial artist himself, this turns him from a drifter into a badass. You take on the role of Gene, a wandering vigilante of sorts who wanders the wastes of what the world has become, kicking the crap out of bad guys, all with the power of the God Hand. But that’s hardly enough of a coherent explanation to justify owning God Hand, so let’s get down to business. And any game that can produce an advertisement like this: Does it all work? Does it come together well? Are the jokes funny or just stupid? Is it worth playing? It totally doesn’t take itself seriously, either, which might appeal to some folks, but for others, a game that’s a ridiculous satire of itself and various anime concepts might put them off. 3D beat-em-ups aren’t known for their amazing quality or legions of devoted fans indeed, most of them kind of suck (more recent releases like Beatdown notwithstanding) and sell poorly.

Still, God Hand isn’t exactly what one would consider to be a success at first glance. That’s a fairly interesting contrast, to be sure, but then again, these guys DID make Viewtiful Joe, so if there’s anything they know about, it’s making games that are about throwing down and beating the crap out of people. But whereas Okami is a fairly easy cel-shaded semi-serious Zelda-esque adventure, God Hand is a fairly difficult not at all serious polygon rendered beat-em-up. Clover Studios has certainly been busy recently aside from the exceptionally entertaining Okami, Capcom is releasing their second Clover developed title in two months, God Hand.